Ghrelin and Leptin: Their Role In Weight Loss

Ghrelin and Leptin: Their Role In Weight Loss

Ghrelin is often referred to as the “hunger hormone” and Leptin is referred to as the “satiety hormone.” These hormones help you control your weight because they tell the body when to eat and when to stop eating. When your stomach is empty, it will release ghrelin,...
Apnea del sueño y cirugía de pérdida de peso

Apnea del sueño y cirugía de pérdida de peso

La apnea del sueño es una afección grave en la que las personas dejan de respirar durante 10 segundos repetidamente durante la noche. Esto hace que las personas que duermen se despierten durante cortos períodos de tiempo durante el sueño debido a la falta de oxígeno...
Apnea del sueño y cirugía de pérdida de peso

Sleep Apnea and Weight Loss Surgery

Sleep apnea is a serious condition where individuals stop breathing for 10 seconds repeatedly throughout the night. This results in sleepers waking up for short periods of time during sleep due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. Sleep apnea affects over 30 million...