¿Estás subiendo de peso nuevamente por descuidar tu reflujo?

Are You Regaining Weight by Feeding your Reflux?

After Gastric Sleeve surgery, some patients may experience acid reflux even when they did not experience it before having the procedure done. The gastric sleeve is a high-pressure system that may cause acid reflux in under 20% of patients that did not experience acid...
Los beneficios del ejercicio

Los beneficios del ejercicio

Inmediatamente después de tu operación, tu médico te recomendará que realices actividades físicas como caminar. A medida que te recupere, deberás aumentar gradualmente la intensidad de la actividad física hasta que tengas un programa de ejercicios incorporado a tus...
Los beneficios del ejercicio

The Benefits of Exercise

Right after your surgery, your doctor will recommend physical activity such as walking. As you recover you should gradually increase the intensity of your physical activities until you have an exercise program incorporated into your daily activities and commit to...