What happens after Duodenal Switch Surgery is a little different than with other surgeries due to the malabsorbic component, so there are some things, in particular, to take into account for your new lifestyle after this surgery.
With DS, your sleeve is a bit larger than with a standalone Gastric Sleeve and this will give you less restriction. This is very appealing to many patients but there is a downside to this, you can’t abuse this factor, otherwise, you may have considerable digestive consequences which may even lead to reverting the procedure altogether.
Patients that ignore the post-op food guidelines we provide learn the hard way that the DS will require you to adhere to post-op instructions more strictly than a gastric sleeve or a gastric bypass. The main consequences of not adhering to the guidelines are:
- dumping syndrome
- diarrhea
- excess gas
- smelly gas and stools
- malnutrition
- losing too much weight
The 5 main key factors to consider to ensure you have a good quality of life post DS are the following:
- Fat Consumption
- Carb Consumption
- Protein Consumption
- Proper Supplementation
- Water Intake
- Fat Consumption: Given the short common channel eating too much fat will cause diarrhea, this is because they will not be properly absorbed and will go right through. Less than 25 grams of fat daily is your target.
- Carb Consumption: Excess carbs will cause distension, gas, and diarrhea for the same reason as above. Less than 60 grams of carbs a day is your target.
- Protein Consumption: Protein after a DS surgery should be your primary source of nutrition. Lack of protein will cause fatigue, weakness, fainting spells, depression, to name a few consequences. 80 to 120 grams of protein should be consumed daily to compensate for the malabsorption. This is best achieved by splitting your meals and adding protein shakes to your diet. This is especially useful the first month after surgery.
- Supplementation: Following a proper supplementation regime is not optional after a DS surgery, it is a must and this is not temporary, it is for life. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies take a while to show up and it will take months to recover after you start supplementing properly. It is definitely easier to prevent a deficiency than to correct one. Follow your surgeon’s guidelines and test periodically to see if adjustments need to be made.
- Water Intake; As with all bariatric procedures drinking enough water is key. You must aim to drink 2 liters of water daily to help avoid fatigue, nausea, depression, and feeling irritated. You should make at least 4 to 5 trips to the bathroom a day to empty your bladder and urine should be transparent.
The Duodenal Switch surgery is the bariatric surgery that has the best long-term weight loss results, it also has the best results for diabetic patients but as with all other weight loss surgeries you need to learn to work with your surgery. Learning what your body can tolerate and what foods agree with you better will help you enjoy the benefits that the Duodenal Switch surgery can offer you.