There are many false thoughts about weight-loss surgery that are seriously counterproductive for many potential weight-loss surgery patients. It is serious because it keeps them from getting adequate if not the only treatment for their condition. These myths also keep patients who have already undergone surgery treatment from sharing their experiences.
Read on to learn more about why they are myths; this might help you decide if you are considering treatment.
Myth # 1: Bariatric Surgery is a quick and easy fix for lazy people.
Fact: People who are 50 to 60 pounds overweight have a 90% chance of failing to lose weight with only exercise and diet, according to experts. Also, most people who undergo bariatric surgery have already tried losing weight with exercise and diets. So, the truth is it has nothing to do with laziness, rather than the solution to a life-threatening problem. This myth is quite harmful because many people refrain from getting bariatric treatment when it is possibly their only solution. 8 out of 10 people fail to keep weight off for more than two years with only diet and exercise. Whereas our patient’s overall success is above 90%. By overall success, we mean not only keeping the weight off but also improving their quality of life.
Myth #2. Recovery from weight-loss surgery is a long and painful process.
Fact: Surgery procedures are now laparoscopic. Benefits from laparoscopic surgery include smaller scars, getting out of the hospital quicker, feeling less pain while scars heal, healing quicker, less internal scarring, and getting back to your activities sooner. You will spend only up to 5 days at the hospital, and recovery takes only 2 weeks with few restrictions.
Myth # 3: Women who have weight loss surgery cannot have children.
Fact: Weight Loss is associated with improved fertility rates and pregnancy outcomes, and Bariatric Surgery has been proven the most effective method to lose weight. Pregnancy complications associated with obesity are reduced, such as gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) pregnancy-induced hypertension, and fetal macrosomia.
Myth # 4: You only need surgery and nothing else.
Fact: Bariatric surgery is the jumpstart to a radically new life, but with it comes a whole new lifestyle. Follow-up treatment including diet, exercise, and psychological therapy are highly recommended if not necessary for optimal success. There is proof that lack of follow-up after surgery results in less weight-loss and weight regain.
Myth # 5 Weight loss surgery is only for the morbidly obese that need to lose over 100 lbs.
Fact: Doctors evaluate each case to determine whether a patient is a candidate for bariatric surgery. A BMI that reaches 30 is within the obesity category and makes a patient a good candidate for surgery. Besides, patients usually get better results with lower BMI’s because they reach a normal weight faster and keep it off with better success rates.
Myth # 6 If you have had previous surgeries you are not able to have weight loss surgery laparoscopically.
Fact: There are truly very very few open or lap surgeries that will not allow you to have a successful laparoscopic weight loss surgery. Our surgeon will evaluate your particular case to determine this before surgery.
Myth # 7 Weight loss surgery makes you lose too much weight and makes you look sickly.
Fact: All bariatric procedures will require you to take supplements, not only malabsorptive procedures like bypass and DS but also restrictive procedures. The portion sizes you will be able to eat after surgery will be reduced, this means you will not be consuming all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. However, if you follow your doctor’s indications, it is possible to lose weight and be healthy. You must be committed to following these guidelines thoroughly before you undergo surgery, especially with malabsorptive surgeries.
With over 12 years of experience, the Mexicali Bariatric Center has one of the world’s most successful weight loss programs. Our multidisciplinary team of experts will follow through each case to give you the best follow-up post-surgery.