by MBC | May 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
Es común que antes de la cirugía los niveles de colesterol del paciente sean más altos de lo que deberían ser, y después de la cirugía, es posible que todavía tenga dificultades para mantener esos niveles bajos. Hay ciertos alimentos que ayudan a mantener bajos los...
by MBC | May 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
Al considerar la cirugía bariátrica, las personas a menudo sienten curiosidad por incorporar el alcohol de manera segura a su estilo de vida. Aunque podrá consumirlo, debe hacerse de manera gradual y modificada, debe agregarse a su consumo solo después de tres meses...
by MBC | May 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
It is common that before surgery patient’s cholesterol levels are higher than what they should be, and after surgery, you may still struggle to keep those levels down. There are certain foods that aid in keeping cholesterol numbers down, and since you will be eating...
by MBC | May 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
When considering bariatric surgery, people are often curious about incorporating alcohol safely to their lifestyle. Although you will be able to consume it, it must be done gradually and in a modified way, it should be added to your consumption only after three months...